

0-day streak
REPLACED!! Replaced the burnt out shield with the new one. Motors seem working fine!
Bruh.... Assembled the whole car and was experimenting with running motors when motor suddenly stopped working. Was scratching my head about what happened and after about an hour of head scratching I found out that I have blew up my L293d shield 🤡 Idk how it happened but anyways I will have to purchase a new one.
I have almost finished assmbling the chassis thought the IR sensors still needs to be setted up in the right way so they can detect the black tape/path easily
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Getting started with the arudino ide and Arudino C ++ in deail , saw a tutorial on how to code in Arudino C++ and using Aafuit library to control the motors with Arudno and L293D shield. Wasn't difficult to understand the syntax as I am already familiar with Python and Javascript.
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learning to use the ir sensor and adjusting its sensitivity!
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Assembling the chassis for the car. Also studying how to use Arudino and l293d shield motor driver